Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Krampus color

And here is the painted version (maybe final- gonna let it sit a few days before I mail the link to Mr. Schindehette,) of my krampus entry.

Krampus pencils

Pencil drawing of my Krampus for the current ArtOrder challenge:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Seraphim stage three

Yesterday's progress on the new piece. Played with color choices and decided gold figure against a muted purple background. So here you see a quick color rough, laying in a nice warm red-gold dark over her armor, and then starting the render of the armor.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Seraphim stage two

Three stages of taking the earlier rough to a drawing I can start color roughs with.

Seraphim step one

Step one is a rough sketch just to get the major design elements in. Real rough at this stage. Started with some digital watercolor blobs just to loosely describe forms, then line to pick out some of the features and create the figure.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

two hour B/W