Friday, February 26, 2010

Girl of the Day #39- Llolth (final)

Finished piece. The Livestream session I was thinking of seemed a little pointless when all I had left by Midnight was a little tweaking on the cocoon silk and a few background elements. Comments are welcomed.

Have a good weekend, btw :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Girl of the Day #38- Llolth (part 1)

Think this one is going to be a two day piece, but so far it's cooking pretty well. Might Livestream tonight while working on it (midnight-ish central if I do.)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Girl of the Day #37- Winged Message (final part)

And for today I present the final of my wood elf piece. not completely satisfied with the little fairy, but I can live with it for now. Otherwise quite pleased with the piece.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Girl of the Day #36- Wood Elf (part 2)

Second day of working on this. Hopefully tomorrow's post will be the final version. planning to have another go at livestream later tonight when I work on it. Watch my Twitter for the announce when I open the live stream (

Monday, February 22, 2010

Girl of the Day #35-Message (part 1)

OK, going to try something a little different, but still inside the rules I set for myself. The Daily pieces I've been doing have been a fantastic learning exercise, but very few have been portfolio material. This week, I'm going to do a longer piece, and post each day's efforts towards completion. The goal is to have a portfolio level piece by the end of the week.

To that end, today I'm posting the mono drawing/ underpainting. I'll be starting color later tonight (possibly in a Livestream session if I can figure out how to work it.)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Girl of the day #34- Nautalie

It's Friday. Time for something goofy.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Girl of the Day #33- Pali-monk

Got stuck on possibly the jankiest workstation we have today, with a gimpy video card. I'll prolly end up color correcting this later since I have no idea how off the monitors are here, but it's looking decent so far.
Edit: Let this be a lesson for any beginning digital painters out there. Work on gear you can trust, can calibrate, and are familiar with. Opened this up on my normal work machine and absolutely hated the color. Took about 45 mins fixing whcih also opened my eyes to a few improvements as well.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Girl of the day #32- Caster

Got a late start today, so this one's a bit rough.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Girl of the day #31- Wired

Feeling better after dragging this morning. Felt like doing something machine-y.
edit: Fixed her bighead a bit. Always fun looking at these a day later and realizing you missed something obvious.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Girl of the Day #30-Blanket

Home sick today and in no fit shape for anything long. But was able to sketch out something at least.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Gril of the Day #29- Scarab

It's Friday, so I just threw some randomish scribbles down and started picking forms out, then developed a figure from there. Somewhere along the way I thought "future Egyptian-ish."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Girl of the Day #28- Vulkoori Paladin

Just started today playing with some of the brushes in the pack Mark Molnar ( ) uploaded. Early on I got the idea to revisit the chitin armor of Eberron Drow. I'm not aware of anything in canon about them making half-plate out of it, but the idea of a dark elf scorpion paladin dual wielding poison whips invokes the Rule of Cool to me ;)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Girl of the Day #27- Aegis EP8

I know, I know. I'm really pushing the girl part by only having a face and snakes, but I really like the idea of a medusa integrated into the design of the gun (and the challenge is due tomorrow as well.)

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Girl of the day #26- Rust 2

Happier with this one. There's still something not there yet, but it's a lot closer than the first pass at the mood I want.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Girl of the Day #25- Rust

I'm frustrated with this one. It's not bad per se, but it's not what I wanted when I was imagining it in my mind. Try again tomorrow I suppose.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Girl of the Day #24- Geomancy

had the damnedest time grokking out how to do her torso. I've been contemplating doing glowing rocks inside a ribcage ever since the ArtOrder Earthquake Dragon Challenge, and finally decided to see if I could pull it off. It fought me for a good two hours to get the effect, finally had to cheat and use an uplighting effect, but it looks decent

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Girl of the Day #23- Purple

Got a really late start on this, so I had to drop down to just the shoulders and head. Thinking I may give the full figure some love over the weekend.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Girl of the Day #22- Shacklewraith

Had an urge to do a masked figure today (the undead one.) As I was thumbnailing, two of the figures were really close on the page and I connected them with a curvy line and thought there's my idea for the day.
Edit: fixed some nagging issues from the initial post in the piece

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Girl of the Day #21- Asari Attitude

Picked up Mass Effect 2. Love it, no surprise there. Bioware has done such an amazing job of creating a living breathing sci-fi world again. Hope they put out another artbook for this one to go with the one from ME1. Anyway, today's GotD is a lovely Asari in a decidedly un-lovely mood.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Girl of the Day #20- Flame Knight

Just a one hour drawing today. Most of my time is budgeted to updating my gallery website today, but I still wanted to get something up. Elven girl in flame themed plate and a Neinhalt Sieger style battle arm.
EDIT: Found a couple hours at the end of my shift to throw some color on. really loose, but I'm grooving on where the coppers are going in her armor.