Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Imitation of Life

the problem with eldritch horrors, yer basic eldritch horror problem, is they stick out like a sore thumb in the sleepy new england towns the control from the depths. The solution? Pseudopeople!

grown from the finest protoplasm and convincing almost 80% of the time, they let the average bloated tentacled monstrosity control it's cultists in nice warm anonymity. Ask for them by name.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chess Empress

First off, apologies. Last week was the suck on steroids. First part of the week down with a head cold, then down two days later from bad chow mein. In the middle find out the simple brake job is now replacing the bit that holds the wheel on. Long story short I got jack squat done last week. I'm writing last week off completely and just picking up from here.

As for today's drawing- at long last the full white chess set is complete.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bound angel

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Catch-up day

Woot. Got the scanner back online last night. As promised then here's both Chess piece drawings I had waiting. I'm also including my Beholder WIP for the new artorder giveaway.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

NOT a Girl of the Day #1

Well, it had to happen eventually, setting myself a span as big as a year. I drew two pencil drawings to put up yesterday but when I get home, the scanner doesn't want to power up. I think I may know what happened, and might be able to fix it. Anyway, if and when I get it back up I'll post both drawings as 50 and 51.

In the meantime, here's a digital warm-up I did today while listening to BOC on pandora.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Girl of the Day #49- Samurai Girl (final)

Now I'm calling her done. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Girl of the Day #48- Samurai Girl

I had this drawing sitting in a file of work to take another crack at for I forget how long. I finally stumbled onto it last night and thought it was time to paint her. Not calling her done yet, still need to give some love to her swords and spend some time refining things, but those will be tasks for tomorrow. Happy with the colors though, at least on this monitor.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Girl of the day #47-Priestess

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Girl of the Day #46- Undead Sexy

Just a nice little concept techno-zombie girl today. :)

(Bob Ross voice) Happy little claws (/Bob Ross voice)

Monday, March 08, 2010

Girl of the Day #45- Orca Sapiens part deux

Had a nice Livestream session yesterday afternoon working on this with Mike Faille in attendance. He made some very nice suggestions I'll be trying to incorporate as I work on it today.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Girl of the Day #44- Orca Female

First pass at my Orca race design for Mutation Nation. Planning a livestream tomorrow when I paint it.

Interlude- character design exercise

Trying something a little different for designing today's girl. (ganked from There is an ulterior motive here in that I am also using this as a piece for the Mutation Nation Challenge at ArtOrder

Orca Sapiens

After da bomb, new species have emerged after a period of rampant mutation, resulting in uplifted species and hybridization of previously incompatible species.

Pacific Northwest coastal areas. Rocky inlets that were far enough away from impact sites to be relatively safe and are slowly coming to be shipping centers for the few growing cities during reconstruction.

Orca Sapiens have formed into small communities of 15-30 members that earn their keep providing escort and navigation assistance to the boats brave enough to ply the waters.

Signal lanterns/flashlights, utility belts/ vests, light body armor?

Humanoid, larger than humans, lithe but muscular. 8-10 feet tall, 300lbs females- 400 lbs males

Social packs evolved from pod structure of Orcas, some adoption of tribal customs studied from local Human Amerind tribes.

Scavenged and adapted maritime supplies, some naval gear

rocky coastline, overcast day

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Girl of the Day #43- Lady Blackheart (final)

MUCH happier with this background and color scheme. Didn't fight me a bit as I painted it today.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Girl of the Day #42- Lady Blackheart (part 2)

Did some major reworking of this when I realized the background I had in mind at the outset just wasn't serving it well. Tomorrow I start taking it to color.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Girl of the Day #41- Lady Blackheart (part 1)

Down with a cold today to the point where I couldn't concentrate worth a damn. Tried Livestreaming a few times only to hit server issues as well. Not a good day. Anyway, Today is the first of a two or three day paint. the full image is going to be the entire figure.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Girl of the Day #40- Walkies!

I'm going to play with this one some more to tighten up the girl's figure and finish it up, but I have a headache now, so letting it sit for a while. I'll post the final later. I'm going to try to do a one day piece tomorrow.